
‘1917’ (2019) Review
‘1917’ (2019) Review: A Walk Through Hell From the moment I first saw the trailer for Sam Mendes’ 1917, I was intrigued. In it, the

‘Maleficent Mistress of Evil’ (2019) Review
‘Maleficent Mistress of Evil’ (2019) Review: Guess Who’s Coming To The Castle. Full disclosure: I have not seen the 2014 film ‘Maleficent’. When it came

‘The Addams Family’ (2019) Review
‘The Addams Family’ (2019) Review: To Die For I know we live in a world where everything that’s old becomes new again, but I’m honestly

‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ (2019) Review
‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ (2019) Review: You Can Take The Spider Out of New York… It might seem unbelievable, but back in the days of

‘Sprinter’ (2019) Review
‘Sprinter’ (2019) Review: Goes For Gold For many reviewers, talking about independent films is a bit of a struggle. Often times, they aren’t as polished

‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ (2019) Review
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Review: The End? Imagine a superhero film that has all of the characters you’ve known and loved for over a decade,

‘The Intruder’ (2019) Review
The Intruder (2019) Review: A Crime to Cinema For many, last week’s ‘Avengers Endgame’ was the peak of blockbuster cinema. Everything from the early days

‘Avengers: Endgame’ (2019) Review
‘Avengers: Endgame’ (2019): Excruciatingly Satisfying There are many films that try to be epic. Some do it through mind blowing special effects, others do it

‘Dumbo’ (2019) Review
‘Dumbo’ (2019): Flying Not So High There’s something missing from ‘Dumbo’. On the face of it, this live action reimagining of the 1941 animated film