'The Addams Family' (2019) Review: To Die For I know we live in a world where everything that’s old becomes new again, but I’m honestly surprised there’s a new ‘Addams Family’ movie. Beloved franchise aside, surely there comes a point where the creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky family stops being relevant right? Sure, die hard fans will argue the timelessness of an off kilter nuclear family, but making a new version only opens the door for a number of painful, tired cliches and worst of all, timely pop culture references to make the remake feel “fresh” and “hip”Thankfully, this film avoids those trappings. Mostly. It starts out by introducing you to the Addams at one of the many reasons family gets together. A wedding. Morticia and Gomez are tying the knot and ready to start their lives together. Pity that life will have to be started in exile, as the two are chased away by pitchforks and torches before their marriage can even be consumated (a fact I’m sure was rectified post haste knowing the couple)I like the way the film sets the stakes for the characters pretty instantly. The Addams have every reason to distrust and even fear the outside world, which is why, 13 years later, the children Wednesday and Pugsly are trapped in the walls of Casa de Addams. Protected from the outside world in Nemo-esque fashion, Wednesday decides she belongs in public school with the other people her…