Movie Man Dem | From Goodfellas to Goodgyals (Hustlers)

Movie Man Dem | From Goodfellas to Goodgyals (Hustlers) It's been 5 years since Ramona and her crew busted onto the big screen wearing nothing but a g string on their bodies and a dream in their hearts. That dream? To rob blind every rich client they could and walk away unscathed. The somewhat true story is a wild ride so we thought we'd tackle it for this week's episode.

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Movie Man Dem | Sibling Rivalry & Trauma Bonding (Warrior)

Movie Man Dem | Sibling Rivalry & Trauma Bonding (Warrior) Damian's birthday is just around the corner, so we're going to talk about one of his favourite movie's of all time. In one corner, Brendon Conlan, fighting for family and legacy, in the other corner, his brother Tommy, fighting for...a different family and legacy. It's emotional, and it also happens to be incredibly cool

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Movie Man Dem | Killer Queens (Drop Dead Gorgeous)

Movie Man Dem | Killer Queens (Drop Dead Gorgeous) It's a dangerous place where perils lurk around every corner. A place where you have to constantly be on your guard. A place where the pressures of womanhood come crashing down on the youngest and brightest sparks. That place is...a beauty pageant? That's right this week we're looking at Drop Dead Gorgeous.

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Movie Man Dem Minisode: The Hilarious Cornelius Grant (Black River Film Festival)

Movie Man Dem Minisode: The Hilarious Cornelius Grant (Black River Film Festival) Actor, filmmaker, and man of many faces Cornelius Grant joins us in the Movie Man Dem studio today. This interview goes all over the place in the very best way. Cornelius brings his unique brand of hilarity to the podcast, showing us how a real movie man does it. You can catch him for a full size event at the Black River Film Festival this weekend!

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Movie Man Dem | Everything is Sex, Except Sex, Which is Tennis (Challengers)

Movie Man Dem | Everything is Sex, Except Sex, Which is Tennis (Challengers) Have you ever watched a tennis match and thought "This is nice and all, but you know what would make this even better? A three way romantic and sexual entanglement that spans more than a decade." Well have I got the film for you. We get deep into Challengers, with behind the scenes info, exploration of themes, and as usual, jokes.Guests: Tobi & Natasha

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Movie Man Dem | Creating The Black River Film Festival w/ Dr. Ava Brown

Movie Man Dem | Creating The Black River Film Festival w/ Dr. Ava Brown It's summer time and there's plenty to see in the cinemas, but for one weekend we're setting our sights to the beautiful landscape of St. Elizabeth for the Black River Film Festival. The first staging of the festival is just two weeks away and we have Dr. Ava Brown to talk us through how the whole thing came to be.

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Movie Man Dem | Worst Dad Award – Royal Tenenbaum

Movie Man Dem | Worst Dad Award - Royal Tenenbaum Father's Day is just around the corner so as luck would have it, The Movie Man Dem schedule has worked in an in-depth discussion of 'The Royal Tenenbaums'. Specifically, how much of a bad father Royal Tenenbaum is, and which child he traumatized the most. This week's guests: Rhea, Maia, Khin

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Movie Man Dem | All Cops Are Bad Boys Too (Bad Boys II)

Movie Man Dem | All Cops Are Bad Boys Too (Bad Boys II) Bad boys, bad boys, whatchu gonna them for their terrible crimes one hopes. They're lords of the law but they don't always follow it to the letter. They're more likely to blow things away and infringe on the odd civil right or two. It isn't ethical, but man is it entertaining. Michael Bay's Bad Boys II is a 2000's time capsule filled with incredible action, offensive humour, and Gabrielle Union.  Featuring: Kurt, Roy, Lexy and Randy

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